
Does CBD Work for Tendonitis? Benefits, Effects, Dosage

Tendonitis is a common disorder that causes pain and inflammation in the tendons and surrounding tissue. It can be caused by overuse of the tendon, repetitive strain on the muscle, or injury.

There are many reasons why people develop this condition, but one thing that they all have in common is pain. Tendonitis can make it difficult for someone who suffers from it to do their daily activities such as walking, running, picking up objects, and even sitting down for an extended period.

Fortunately, there are treatment options available, including CBD oil, which is helpful with other arthritis types.

Read on to learn more about CBD oil, how it works, and the benefits of using CBD oil for tendonitis.

CBD Oil for Tendonitis: How Does it Work?

CBD oil works by interacting with the endocannabinoid system. This system is made up of receptors found in the body, brain, and central nervous system. When CBD enters your body, it will bind to these receptors.

The Endocannabinoid System has two primary objectives. It regulates mood and wellness throughout the body while also regulating pain response.

As a result, CBD oil will work by calming inflammation, reducing pain levels including menstrual cramps, boosting moods, and improving overall wellness.

CBD & Tendonitis: Incredible Benefits

CBD oil for tendonitis is prevalent among athletes, bodybuilders, fitness enthusiasts, and people living with arthritis.

The benefits of CBD oil are plentiful, but here are some highlights:

Reduce Inflammation and Pain Intensity

CBD oil can help reduce inflammation and pain in joints, muscles, and surrounding tissues.

This is especially beneficial when used with other types of arthritis such as Rheumatoid Arthritis or Osteoarthritis.

Boost Moods and Improve Wellness

CBD has been shown to improve overall well-being by boosting moods and reducing stress and anxiety.

This can help you feel relaxed, positive, and more comfortable in your body.

As a result, you will be able to do more throughout your day without feeling as much discomfort or fatigue.

Related article: CBD Oil for Crohn’s Disease

Increase Mobility and Flexibility

CBD oil for tendonitis will help reduce pain and inflammation, which in turn can significantly improve mobility.

For example, when your joints don’t hurt, it’s easier to walk upstairs or get out of bed without feeling the need to take a break halfway through.

Related article: CBD Oil for Stomach Ulcers

Improve Sleep Quality

CBD has been shown to improve sleep quality by regulating melatonin levels. This will give you a better chance of sleeping restfully through the night without waking up from pain or discomfort throughout your body.

Reduces Anxiety & Stress Levels

The Endocannabinoid System also works to regulate moods, stress levels, and anxiety.

CBD oil will boost moods and reduce stress which can help you feel more relaxed, calm, and peaceful throughout the day.

As a result, it’s easier to relax your body so that you can get enough rest at night.

Improve Concentration Levels & Memory Retention

Since CBD oil has been shown to reduce stress, improve moods, and increase overall wellness, it can also help you pay attention to what’s essential.

This is especially great for those who have difficulty focusing on tasks at hand due to discomfort or fatigue throughout the day.

CBD oil has long been known as a natural treatment option because of its ability to treat a wide range of medical conditions.

Since CBD oil has been shown to reduce inflammation, improve moods, and increase mobility, it can significantly improve the quality of your life even if you suffer from this condition regularly.

What is Tendonitis?

Tendonitis is the inflammation of a tendon, most often from overuse. Treatment options include rest, ice, and medication to reduce pain and swelling.

Typically, tendonitis occurs in the shoulder or elbows but can also occur in other areas of the body such as your feet, hands, legs, and hips.

Tendonitis has become more common due to our increasingly sedentary lifestyles. We spend hours sitting at a computer desk for work during the day, then come home and watch TV or surf the internet until bedtime.

Types of Tendonitis

Tendinitis can be caused by various factors, including overuse, poor posture during daily activities, and aging.

In many cases, tendinitis results from repetitive motions such as typing on your computer or driving for extended periods each day.

However, age also plays a role in the development of tendinitis because as you get older, your joints are more prone to inflammation and pain.

Some common types of tendonitis are:

Finger Tendonitis

This type of tendonitis is typically developed from overuse or repetitive motions such as typing on a keyboard.

Golfer’s Elbow

Also known as medial epicondylitis, a golfer’s elbow occurs when pain and inflammation develop at the inside area of your elbow, where it meets with your forearm muscles.

Jumper’s Knee

Commonly known as patellar tendonitis, the jumper’s knee is the inflammation of the kneecap and surrounding tendons.

Tennis Elbow

Another common type of tendonitis is tennis elbow which occurs when pain and swelling develop at the outside area of your elbow where it meets with your forearm muscles.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a type of tendonitis which causes pain, swelling, and inflammation at the wrist.

Biceps Tendinitis

This type of tendonitis is typically developed from overuse or repetitive motions such as lifting heavy objects.

CBD for Tendonitis – Buying guide

It’s important to know that CBD products vary in the amount of CBD they contain.

What CBD product is right for you will depend on what CBD concentration is best for your needs and what it contains.

Some CBDs contain both CBD and THC and others only CBD, depending on what you need.

There are three types of CBD products: full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and isolate.

Which CBD product is best for you will depend on whether or not you want a THC element to it.

CBD oil supplements are available in capsules, soft gels, liquids, sprays, full-spectrum products (tinctures), and more.

When looking at CBD products, you’ll notice that some contain a full spectrum and others an isolate.

A full-spectrum product contains all the other compounds present in hemp besides CBD, while an isolate is pure CBD with no THC or any other additional compounds.

Broad-spectrum products are typically made with CBD that has been extracted from the hemp plant, which includes THC.

If you’re looking for a full-spectrum product to treat tendonitis symptoms, you’ll want to make sure the product is made with CBD oil that’s been extracted from industrial hemp and not cannabis.

CBD & Tendonitis: What’s the Proper Dosage?

The recommended dosage of CBD oil for tendonitis is about 250mg to 500 mg per day, or less if you are sensitive to CBD. You can start with a lower dose and work your way up as needed.

While CBD oil treatment is safe and non-addictive, you should always speak with your doctor before beginning any new supplement or medication regimen.

CBD Oil for Tendonitis: The Bottom Line

Tendonitis is a painful condition that’s often difficult to treat.

While the FDA doesn’t approve CBD oil to treat tendonitis, research suggests it can effectively reduce pain and inflammation associated with tendonitis.

However, if you’re looking for the best CBD products to treat tendonitis, it’s crucial that you only buy CBD oil supplements made with industrial hemp.

Now that you know what CBD oil could do for tendinitis, you’ll be able to make a more informed decision on whether or not it’s the right supplement for your needs.

Let us know in the comments if you have any other questions about CBD oil for tendonitis. We’re here to help!

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