
How Long Does Marijuana Stay in Your System?

How long does marijuana stay in your system? It’s a question that has been in the back of every cannabis lover’s mind, and one that has many answers. That’s why we wanted to break it down for you, so you know what to expect in case you have a big test coming up.

Factors That Determine How Long Marijuana Stays in Your System

1. The THC Dose

When you take a marijuana test, the only thing anyone will be looking for is the presence of THC [1] in your body. How much cannabis you’ve consumed before the test, whether it’s days, weeks, or months ago, is one of the biggest factors. 

Also, it’s important to note how big the dosage was, and if you’ve taken it just once or repeatedly. There’s some research that suggests that if you use marijuana frequently, it’ll remain in your body for a longer time. 

2. Body Fat

Another thing that’s going to determine how long marijuana stays in your system is your body fat. That’s because fat cells store marijuana, making it tougher to leave your body. You could determine your body fat levels with a BMI test [2], but those results aren’t particularly accurate. 

3. Gender

Given their builds, women tend to have more body fat than men. So it usually takes them a longer time to metabolize marijuana compared to their male counterparts.

4. Metabolism

If you’ve got a fast metabolism, you’re probably better off because marijuana will leave your body sooner. You’ll eliminate THC faster, which means that you’ll be experiencing its effects for a shorter period of time.

5. Hydration & Exercise

If you’re severely dehydrated, the presence of THC in your system will be higher. Although that doesn’t mean that you can just drink a few gallons of water and get rid of the THC traces that way. You might feel a little less high, but it would still show up on your test.

While we’re on the topic of tests, if you’re getting ready to do one, you might want to steer clear of exercising beforehand. There’s a small study [3] that shows that exercise can increase your THC concentration, resulting in a positive test.

The Difference in Testing

Depending on the factors we mentioned above, as well as the type of test, marijuana will show up in your system for different amounts of time.

1. Urine Testing

If you were to do a urine test, weed would be detectable in your system anywhere between three and 30 days. So if you’re a casual user, no one would be able to know you had THC in your system after three days. But if you take marijuana on the daily, lab tests could find it even after 30 days.

2. Blood Testing

Fun fact: weed can show up in your blood a couple of minutes after taking it. And if you typically don’t smoke/inhale/ingest every day, it’ll be there for a day or two. On the other hand, people who take marijuana on a daily basis might still find THC in their blood even after 25 days.

3. Hair Testing

A hair follicle test can determine if regular marijuana-users have taken any in the last three months. However, it’s much less precise when it comes to people who only do it occasionally. That’s because a follicle test can’t show how much THC someone actually has in their system. 

4. Saliva Testing

With saliva testing, marijuana could show up even after 30 days of taking it. Of course, it is going to depend on how often you do it, and how much you’ve taken.

How Long Before the Weed Effects Wear Off?

If you’re wondering how long does marijuana stay in your system because you’re battling a high, our answer is a bit different. Even though THC can be in your body for a few months, its effects usually only last for a couple of hours. 

However, keep in mind that the high can sometimes last up to 10 hours depending on the marijuana strain you used. Once again, it all has to do with how fast your body metabolizes it, and how much you’ve taken.

Read more: LA Kush Marijuana Strain

To Sum Up

We hope that you’re satisfied with our answers to the question How long does marijuana stay in your system? and now know how to deal with it. But here’s some advice — if you have a test coming up, just don’t take any. Since there are almost no ways to beat the system, no good could come out of it.

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